Managing Mangoes with the F-750 Produce Quality Meter
The mango harvest is in full swing in Australia—one of the leading mango exporters in the world—and many mango growers are relying on the F-750 Produce Quality Meter to determine mango maturity and optimize harvest timing. Last week one of our customers, Piñata Farms of Australia's Northern Territory, was featured in an article published in Fresh Plaza. Piñata has already begun to integrate the F-750 Produce Quality Meter, or “NIR Gun,” into their mango harvest program. “The Near Infrared Gun helps us. We can do hundreds of fruit with it, and it gives us peace of mind when it comes to quality,” says Mr. Scurr, Managing Director at Piñata. The F-750 was also featured last week in an Australian Broadcasting Corporation news segment as an affordable, efficient option for optimizing harvest time. Interviewed in the clip, mango researcher Dr. Cameron McConchie says the major benefit of the NIR gun is that it is “non-destructive, semi-instantaneous,” and that it features a GPS which allows mango growers to map fruit maturity over the growing season. Click here to watch the news clip. To learn more about the F-750 Produce Quality Meter and how it works with mangoes, visit our website.
Interview with NIR Operator
& Scholar, Nick Anderson

Nick Anderson has been working with our F-750 Produce Quality Meter over the past few months and we asked him to tell us about his experience with NIR technology and our instrument.
When did you begin working with the F-750 Produce Quality Meter?
This season I have worked with the F-750 Produce Quality Meter to build mango models which will allow for DM measurements. The calibration of the F-750 for use in the mango industry was also a main objective of my masters research.
What is your background and how did you begin working with NIR technology? I was hired as an NIR operator in 2013 when I was a backpacker.This work involved regular measurement of dry matter (DM) of fruit on the tree using a set sampling pattern...
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