Ağustos-2016 * Hızlı ve Tahribatsız Meyve Kalitesi Testi

Haber Bülteni - Bilmar-Felix Haber Bültenleri

Ensuring Optimal Mango Quality with the F-750

Mango season is just ramping up for our friends "Down Under," and we're excited to be a part of their success this year. Based on
research conducted at Central Queensland University, the
Australian Mango Industry Association (AMIA) has initiated a quality testing program using the F-750 Produce Quality Meter.

Read more here.

Quick-Start Guide to F-750 Produce Quality Meter!

We just released a helpful Quick-Start Guide to working with the
F-750 Produce Quality Meter, our handheld NIR spectrometer that measures quality indicators like Dry Matter and Brix. The Quick-Start Guide provides a quick overview of how the instrument works, what it can do out of the box, and how to build a custom model.

See the Quick-Start Guide now.

Have you seen our line of handheld gas analyzers?

We have affordable, convenient options for a range of applications—from ripening and ethylene management, to storage and MAP validation.
See the full gas analysis line.

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Sept. 13-15



Fresh Cut
Quality & Safety

UC Davis, CA, USA



Nov. 5-9



22nd China Yanglang
Hi-Tech Fair

Yangling, China



Nov. 6-9




Phoenix, AZ, CA



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